Salem Christian School (SCS) fields Middle School, Junior Varsity, and Varsity High School teams that compete in interscholastic athletic contests. We are currently a member of, and compete for championships in the Capital City Athletic Conference (CCAC). This conference is comprised generally of schools with similar sizes and values as SCS. Salem Christian historically has offered the following sports teams:
We are among 10 schools that founded the CCAC conference many years ago, and have won multiple league awards, including the conference championship in Girls Varsity Volleyball in 2014. Salem Christian has also had student-athletes voted conference Player of The Year in girls basketball (Katherine Barth 2013) and girls volleyball (Claire Ellis 2015 & Courtney Richardson 2014). More importantly, we have in countless years and in multiple girls and boys sports seasons won the conference “Christian Sportsmanship Award”, voted on by all conference member schools.
We at Salem Christian value our sports program as a vital part of our student-athletes education, and know that we can compete with intensity for wins and championships, while at the same time show the Love of Jesus through our actions and attitudes during triumph and defeat.
SCS is willing to field teams in sports other than the listed as well, as interest and coaching is available. For information on anything related to our sports program, please contact:
J.B. Bailey
Bachelor of Education East Carolina UniversityAthletic Director
"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.... with gentleness and respect." -1 Peter 3:15
(804) 241-9492 -C
Boys Soccer for Salem Christian School, 2024
Most games are Middle School level, all home games starting at 4:00, 2748 Dogtown rd., Goochland, VA.
Changes are in red - updated 10/18
6 Home 4:00 James River Homeschool MS
12 Away 4:30 West End Christian (Lowes Soccer Complex – 2651 Weir Place Rd., Chester, VA 23831)
24 Away 4:00 Elijah House Academy MS (6627 Jahnke Rd., Richmond)
30 Away 4:30 Richmond Christian School MS canceled
4 Away 4:00 Richmond Christian School MS - canceled
7 Away 3:30 James River Homeschool MS (River City Sportsplex in Midlothian)
14 Home 4:00 Richmond Christian School MS - canceled
18 Away 4:00 Spirit Homeschool MS (8996 Pole Green Lane Mechanicsville, VA 23116) Canceled
21 Home 4:00 West End Christian
25 Home 4:00 Elijah House Academy MS
28 Home 4:00 Spirit Homeschool MS
All home games and practices will be at Goochland Parks & Rec., 2748 Dogtown Rd.,
Changes are in red - updated 1/24
2 Home Newbridge Academy 4:00
10 Home Farmville Homeschool 4:00
13 Home Spirit Homeschool 4:00
17 Home Calvary Chapel 4:00
7 Home West End Christian 4:00 CANCELED
14 Away Farmville Homeschool 5:30 (9 Mahan Rd)
21 Home Piedmont Christian 4:00
24 Away Newbridge Academy 5:00
27 Home West End Christian 4:30
30 Away James River Homeschool 6:00 (Kingland Baptist Church Gym (southside Richmond – 8801 Perrymont Rd)
3 Away Piedmont Christian 4:00 (2382 Bethany Church Rd. Bumpass)
6 Away West End Christian (Hopewell) 5:00
11 Home James River Homeschool 4:00
13 Away Faith Landmarks Academy 4:00 (8491 Chamberlayne Rd, Richmond)
17 Away Spirit Homeschool (Goodwill Baptist) 5:30 (8701 Hungary Spring Rd. Henrico VA.)
21 Home Calvary Chapel 4:00
24 – 27 CCAC Tournament TBD
Salem Christian School Volleyball schedule for Fall of 2024
All home games will be played at 2748 Dogtown Rd., Goochland, VA
All home games Middle School at 4:00, Varsity at 5:00.
30 Home MS and Var Spirit Homeschool
6 Away MS 5:00, V 6:00 West End Christian (location TBD)
13 Home MS and Var EHA (MS) and New Bridge (Var)
16 Away MS 6:00, V 7:00 James River Homeschool (Manchester Middle School, Richmond)
24 Home MS and Var Calvary Chapel
30 Home MS and Var Piedmont Christian
3 Home MS and Var James River Homeschool
7 Away MS 6, Var 7:00 Spirit Homeschool (New Highland Baptist, 9200 New Ashcake Rd., Mechanicsville, VA)
10 Home MS and Var West End Christian
15 Away MS 4, Var 5:00 Piedmont Christian
18 Home MS and Var Calvary Chapel
21 Home 4:00 - Varsity (doubleheader) Farmville Homeschool
25 Away Varsity 4:30 New Bridge
29 Home Varsity 4:00 (Double Header) Cardinal Newman
CCAC Tournament TBA Away MS and Var
Cross Country