Third Grade
Jill Lunde
a note from Mrs. Lunde
Welcome to third grade. I hope you are enjoying summer vacation and have read some great books. I am very excited to have you in my class this year and can’t wait to see all your smiling faces!
Plan on an awesome year because we will be learning exciting things and doing some fantastic projects. Class favorites each year include the pumpkin character book reports and biography bottles.
I am praying for you, and we’ll work together to help you excel and do your best.
Mrs. Lunde
3rd Grade Supply List
REMINDER – Backpacks and other supplies may not display secular themes/cartoon characters.
Third grade school supplies:
1 school supply box
1 bottle of white glue
1 pair of scissors
1 insulated water bottle (plastic or with a silicone sleeve)
An oversized t-shirt - to be used for an art smock
12-inch ruler with inches and centimeters
1 pack of sharpened pencils
1 box of 24 crayons
1 box of markers
1 highlighter - any color
1 package of dry erase markers
2 super stacker rectangular crayon boxes (approx. 3 x 4.5 inches)
3 two-pocket folders (no prongs)
3 marble composition notebooks wide-ruled (simple cover as we will decorate them)
2 reams of white paper copy paper (8.5 x 11)
1 box of Kleenex tissues
1 roll of paper towels
1 bottle of Clorox wipes (or similar wipes)
1 box of chewable ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen for the office (optional)
GIRLS: 1 package of extra large Band-Aids, 1 box of quart size Ziploc bags
BOYS: 1 package of regular size Band-Aids, 1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags
First Aid Supplies that would be great to have in the classroom:
few packages of Equate instant cold compress
box of antiseptic wipes
box of sting-free wipes
Throughout the year, as our class runs out of these supplies, we may ask for more to be sent in.
Elementary PE Supply List
-A good pair of tennis shoes. Lace-up or velcro is fine. Boots, heels, and non-athletic shoes are a safety issue.
-A good water bottle that doesn't leak. Put your child's name or initials on it in at least two places in permanent marker!
-For girls, please avoid dresses on PE days, if possible! If wearing a dress, please have athletic pants or shorts underneath.