Fifth Grade
Danielle Cole
a note from mrs. Cole
Welcome to Salem Christian School!
I will be your 5th grade teacher. I am so excited to see where the Lord takes us and grows us this year! I'm praying for each one of you, and I look forward to meeting each family God has put in my path.
-Mrs. Cole
Fifth Grade Supply List
REMINDER – Backpacks and other supplies may not display secular themes/cartoon characters.
5th Grade Supply List
Backpack (no characters)
Water bottle
1 NIV Bible (kept at school)
5 wide ruled composition books
1 graph paper composition books
2 boxes to store pencils, markers, etc.
10 #2 pencils
2 large erasers
2 glue sticks
2 packs of dry erase markers (4 black, 4 colors)
1 pair of scissors
1 12in. ruler with inches and centimeters
1 protractor
1 compass
2 highlighters (any color)
2 pens (any color)
1 calculator
1 pack of Crayola colored pencils
1 pack of Crayola markers (fine or broad tip)
2 reams of white copy paper
8 pocket folders with prongs
1 over sized t-shirt for science labs
1 double sided 9x12 magnetic dry erase board
dry erase eraser
3x5 cards or 500 pg. tiny spiral notebook or (5) 100 pg. tiny spiral notebook
Consumable Classroom Supplies
2 paper towel rolls
2 containers of Clorox wipes (or similar)
2 tissue boxes
3 can of Lysol spray
1 bottles of hand sanitizer
First Aid Supplies
2 instant cold packs
1 box of Band-Aids (variety pack)
1 box of chewable ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen for the office (optional)
Elementary PE Supply List
-A good pair of tennis shoes. Lace-up or velcro is fine. Boots, heels, and non-athletic shoes are a safety issue.
-A good water bottle that doesn't leak. Put your child's name or initials on it in at least two places in permanent marker!
-For girls, please avoid dresses on PE days, if possible! If wearing a dress, please have athletic pants or shorts underneath.